Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Be Happy!

As a home-schooler, I was having a productive Tuesday! Wee.
I made some artworks, and... I studied, which is the most rare activity since I officially became a home-schooler.
Since the pixel will be broken when you save it from here, go click here link to download the original file of Be Happy artwork.
By the way, I finally upgraded my laptop to OS X Mountain Lion. It's gorgeous so far, but it's kinda suck that Power Nap is only available for Macbook Pro with Retina Display, and mine is Macbook Pro TOO–without that Retina Display stuff. Fufufu, poor me~

Alifah Zahiah in scrabble version
Be Happy!!! 😋
Mountain Lion is so RAWR! Lol.

Don't forget to comment and follow my blog! I appreciate that sooo much.
See you on the next post, arrivederci!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Liebster Award! Woot!

Hai, hai! Apa kabar? Emang telat sih, tapi... Minal aidin wal faidzin semuanya! Maaf ya, maklum lagi jarang buka blog. Kali ini post gue bakal dalam bahasa Indonesia. Kenapa? Pengen aja. Huehe.
Jadi... Muthia, salah satu temen dari FemInd Bloggers–dengan baik hatinya ngasih Liebster Award ini ke gue! Wee! I owe you, sweetheart. Maaf ya baru dipost sekarang. 
Yuk ah cus ke inti post;

Penampakan Sang Award
Ternyata untuk dapet Liebster Award, ada peraturan dan tantangannya. Nih, nih:

  • Tiap orang yang kena tag harus nulis 11 hal mengenai dirinya sendiri
  • Jawab pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh orang yg nge-tag kamu
  • Bikin 11 pertanyaan baru untuk orang yg ingin kamu tag
  • Tentuin 11 orang untuk dapat awad ini dan link-kan mereka ke post-mu
  • Pergi ke halaman blog mereka dan kasih tau kalo mereka dapat award ini
  • Gak bisa nge-tag balik

11 Hal Tentang Gue:
  1. Gue kidal! Total kidal! Gak kidal-kidal banget sih, kalo makan masih bisa pake tangan kanan. Tapi kalo soal tulis menulis dan gambar menggambar, anggep aja tangan kanan gue ilang.
  2. Gak kuku sama hitung-hitungan, gak pernah akur. Dari kecil emang gak suka ngitung kecuali duit. Dan gak pernah cocok sama pelajaran IPA, ngapain kelapa jatoh diitungin kecepatannya. Mending diminum atau gak dijual, dapet duit ye kan.
  3. Punya kulit yang sun-kissed gitu deh, alias mah item. Tapi gak masalah sih, whatsoever for having this dark skin? Aing teh lebih suka begini.
  4. Pas SD s/d SMP sempet punya PlayStation 2 yang gue idam-idamkan, sampe akhirnya dijual paksa karena gue–secara harfiah, mainin itu PS dari bangun tidur, sampe mau tidur. Bayangin aja siapa yang gak enek... Gue enggak sih, sebenernya.
  5. Pernah ketiban pager!!! Satu badan! Sampe pingsan! Ini yang gak bisa dilupain seumur hidup dan bakal gue ceritain ke anak cucu gue nanti. Muahaha.
  6. Kok daritadi gak selesai-selesai ya tentang gue-nya...
  7. Suka gambar, mungkin gak berbakat sih. Tapi suka gambar. Kadang orang yang suka, tapi gak dikasih bakat dan berusaha, lebih berhasil ketimbang yang berbakat tapi gak ada usaha, loh... *evil smirk*
  8. Ini agak aneh sih, gue gak pernah bisa suka sama suatu hal sampe nge-fans. Misal, kayak orang-orang yang fanatik K-Pop, yang Belieber, dan sebagainya. Kalo gue, cuma bisa sekedar suka aja. Ada yang kayak gini juga selain gue gak? :|
  9. Omongan ngawur gue pas kecil pengen jadi pramugari, akhirnya kebawa sampe sekarang: Gue pengen jadi pramugari–sekaligus illustrator. Tobzzz!
  10. Pengen punya rumah sendiri, yang kecil, di pinggir pantai, lengkap sama Volkswagen Beetle. Ini masuk ke top list impian gue, hahaha.
  11. Terakhir! Ah, apa ya.

Tantangan Dari Muthia: *drumroll*

  1. Who are you?
  2. Pernah ditembak? Bisa dijelasin ga kejadiannya?
  3. Udah ganti skin berapa kali? *buat yang pake skin* (yang gapake, SKIP)
  4. Lagi suka lagu apa nih? --> lagi perlu lagu-lagu baru nih
  5. Pernah lihat hantu? --> jadi serem ginih.. o_o''
  6. Suka dengerin lagu westlife ndaak??
  7. Menurut kalian KEPO itu menguntungkan atau merugikan? alasannya?
  8. Your Hobby please?
  9. Mudik ga nih? *basabasigaring*
  10. Permainan apa yang selalu dikangenin ketika 17 Agustus-an? <-- aku sih, balap kerupuk.. XD
  11. Udah follow twitter aku belom, @aneemutii_? <--apabanget XD

  1. Ini Alifah Zahiah, panggil aja princess Fafa.
  2. Pernah, dan... Yah, tipikal lelaki jaman sekarang, nembaknya lewat hengpon. Ea.
  3. Baru dua kali, tapi sekarang lagi pake original template.
  4. Ampun DiJeh, ini banyak banget. Salah satunya deh, Ne-Yo - Mad. Lagu lama, tapi gak pernah kuno. *Tsaaahhh* Sama beberapa lagu Skrillex.
  5. ALHAMDULILLAH YA ALLAH, GAK PERNAH! Tapi pernah "ditindih", gak enak banget sumpah. Cebeyum bobo jangan lupa baca doa yah, teman-teman...
  6. Ndaaak kakaaak.
  7. Tergantung kepo apa dulu sih. Kalo kepo ilmu udah jelas-jelas menguntungkan (Tua lu, Fa, Tua), Kalo kepo yang sekarang lagi digandrungi para remaja, cek timeline pujaan hati yang taunya lagi papih-mamihan sama cewek lain, ya jelas ngerugiin. Nyesek aja sono.
  8. Drawing, taking photographs, watching movies, reading books, listening to music, traveling, playing The Sims 3.
  9. Gak punya kampung...
  10. Gak ada satupun yang gue kangen. Kesel, tiap 17an kalah mulu. Bye.
  11. Sudah! Baru aku follow. Follow back @alifazh ya. ;P

Tantangan Dari Gue:
  1. Nama paling kocak atau konyol, atau kocak dan konyol yang pernah lo dapet dari orang-orang sekitar lo. Mungkin dari Otong jadi David, atau David jadi Otong.
  2. Kejadian favorit lo di tahun 2012.
  3. Kejadian malu-maluin lo di tahun 2012 juga.
  4. Apa yang pengen lo lakuin kalo udah lulus kuliah? (Pengen loh, bukan akan. Kalo pengen dan akan juga boleh sih.. *ruwet detected*)
  5. Apa juga yang bakal lo lakuin kalo seandainya lo dapet uang Rp. 100juta sekarang.
  6. Film terkeren yang pernah lo tonton!
  7. Daerah di Indonesia yang belom lo kunjungin tapi pengen, dan daerah favorit yang udah pernah lo kunjungin.
  8. Punya kakak atau adik? Kalo punya, bercandaan lo yang paling parah sama sodara lo apa? (Kalo lo anak tunggal... Kasian deh, HAHA canda. Dilewat aja pertanyaannya)
  9. Orang yang paling bikin lo muak itu yang kayak gimana sih?
  10. Mention your favorite bloggers so far.
  11. *Ngikutin Muthia* Udah follow @alifazh belum? Follow dong. Muahahaha! >:D
Congratulation, you are tagged!

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Brand New Header

My old blog header has been boring lately. So, I decided to make the new one. I don't really have an idea what to make at first, but these hands and this mind lead me to this type of art. I'm pretty loving it! How about you?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Eleventh Year

Hi there, you guys! How are you doing? I'm doing great, 'cause alhamdulillah I finally passed the tenth grade, and now I'm officially an eleventh grader! And of course, yeah... SOCIAL CLASS! I've been longing to get into social classes. And from now on, there will be no such things as biology, physics, and chemistry. Praise Allah!
And by the way, these are cupcake and rainbow cake from SUGARUSH Bandung for you guys to pay my long-time-no-post! Mehehe. Cheers! xx.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stormtrooper Invaded Sunda Land!

I had a walk on Braga street a few days ago with Dhea until we saw a Stormtrooper stood in front of a building! Haha, well it was just a cosplay of Stormtrooper. We had a little talk with this Stormtrooper guy, it's funny 'cause he has the accent of Sunda. So it was like talking with a Sundanese Stormtrooper. I just knew that day was the Star Wars Day. He invited us to come to the event, but, uh unfortunately we can't. So, before we left we took some photos of & with him!

Say "Hello" or I'll shoot you in the face!

It's the Stormtrooper guy with Dhea

FYI, they made their own super cool Stormtrooper costumes. COOL!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Ride

It's going to be a bumpy ride!

Starbucks Doodle

Hello... Ergh, I can't concentrate, my neighbor's listening to radio SO loud. I'm gonna put my earphones first and turn the volume up. Ok, how are you guys doing? It's been a month (or more?) I don't blog. I just checked my blog chat box and what the hell, it's full of spams. It really is. I shouldn't put chat box on my blog anymore I think.
By the way, yesterday I went to Dhea's house. She's my super pal.
On my way to her house, I stopped at the Starbucks Coffee shop to buy some beverages & cakes for us.     & oh em jee, I got this cute plain white cake box and turned it into a box full of doodle. I did the doodle digitally. Pretty neat, huh? :)) x.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mimpi {Dream}

First thing first, I want to thank Wenny who kindly tagged me on her post. So, here we go...

Questions from Wenny:

Which in English:
1. What's your present biggest dream?
2. What you have done to catch the dream?
And, 3. What are things you are going to do to catch your dream?

And I answer...
1. I want to be a professional artist and photographer, but I want to be an airplane stewardess first! Amin.
2. I attend a photography class, I'm trying to routinely make some drawings (whether it's good or not), and I attend an English class too to improve my English.
3. I'm doing it right now and I hope they worth it someday!

Thanks again for the tag, Wenny! ❤
Visit Wenny's blog on www.whenkneewidtut.blogspot.com! Danke.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Well, It's A Whale

The whale in this picture is the first whale sketch I have ever made. It still needs many improvement.

Nik: On

Took a picture of my Nikon lens cap in the busy morning making some artworks ☕

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Como Estas?

Was testing my pen tablet and end up making this artwork. Uh, not bad right? Tehehe. :b

The Spreading Peace

Made a watercolor painting for my girl Ocha just a few days ago. She asked me to fill her book so I made her a peace symbol with watercolors. Hope you liked it, Cha! xx.

artwork equipments:
*brown paper book,
*Pentel Arts Watercolours,
*Joyko brushes,
*black marker.

digital editing:
*Adobe Photoshop CS3,
*Picasa 3.

Spread The Peace

Monday, April 9, 2012


Just Some Words

After this long long struggle, at last I'm able to deal with HTML coding which is so hard to understand for common people like.. me. Although I still can't make my very own template and had some obstacles I have to deal with... But, finally, I'm using my own template! Hurraaay! Well, I'm not the maker of this template. I'm just the editor. But still I'm going to call it my own template, 'cause this is the first time I'm directly dealing with HTML codes. Thanks to Elle for the template, sorry for crashing your masterpiece. ;b

Okay, one more..
Elephant Goes Downtown is officially new, from the interface to the blog. So, there will be some reposted artworks here. Sorry for the inconvenience.